


As a coordinator, you become your supervisor's helping hand. You are tasked with helping him/her with things where they need support. This can be anything from small tasks such as answering emails or booking halls to being responsible for post-specific projects or acting as a advisor for new ideas. A coordinator's duties are therefore very much dependent on which post they are to assist and what is planned for that post that specific year. A company coordinator may, for example, be responsible for contacting a certain number of companies prior to the fair while banquet coordinators may be responsible for booking food and drinks. Coordinators also work closely with the project group and will therefore also be involved in planning and carrying out the project at a higher level. This means, for example, being able to take part in workshops, lectures, team building exercises and other extras that can be planned for the project group and its coordinators.

A position as coordinator means that you have to take more responsibility for your work and put more time into the project than if you were a volunteer. As with the volunteers, the workload differs greatly between the different types of coordinators. You can be expected to spend between 3-5 hours per week on your involvement as a coordinator. A coordinator position is therefore suitable for you who, for example, want to develop your ability to collaborate with others and take on more responsibility, work on larger projects or want to gain a deeper insight into exactly how LARV is planned.

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What do you do as the various coordinator positions?

Company Coordinator

Company coordinators assist the company managers in bringing companies to LARV and with their registration. As a company coordinator, you have the opportunity to engage with many companies, making it perfect for those looking to improve their communication skills in both speech and writing, or for those who enjoy interacting with businesses.

Banquet Coordinator

As a banquet coordinator, you participate in the planning and execution of the LARV banquet that takes place after the fair. If you enjoy food, planning events, and other festive occasions, along with long-term planning, this coordinator position is perfect for you!

Event Coordinator

An event coordinator's task is to help companies organize various events that the company wishes to host. This can range from lunch lectures and evening events to case nights and breakfasts. If you enjoy setting up and planning events, then becoming an event coordinator is the right fit for you!

IT Coordinator

The IT coordinator assists company managers and coordinators in managing JEXPO, the registration system used by LARV. If you enjoy problem-solving, are knowledgeable in HTML, and want to sharpen your IT skills, you should apply for the IT coordinator position!

Fair Building Coordinator

Fair building coordinators assist in the planning of the physical fair, leading the construction and cleanup around the fair. As a coordinator, you get to participate in planning electrical layouts, the fair's overall layout, and the placement of companies. If you enjoy large-scale and long-term planning, as well as developing your leadership skills, the fair building coordinator role is for you!

Logistics Coordinator

Logistics coordinators assist in planning, managing, and streamlining the reception and transportation of goods before and after the fair. This role is perfect for someone who can juggle many tasks simultaneously or wants to learn how to, and enjoys planning large-scale projects.

Collaboration Coordinator

Collaboration coordinators assist in securing sponsorships and collaborations for LARV. This includes all aspects of the project where sponsorship can be integrated, including the LARV competition and goodie bags. This position is ideal for those looking to hone their negotiation skills and get closer to businesses.

Lounge Coordinator

As a lounge coordinator, you help set up and manage the lounges that operate during the LARV fair: the Corporate Lounge, Engaged Lounge, and Student Lounge. This involves planning the necessary furniture, food, beverages, and other amenities. Additionally, you participate in the same group as collaboration coordinators and contribute to sponsorship efforts for the lounges. This role is suitable for those who enjoy providing service and want to improve their negotiation skills.

Graphics Coordinator

As a graphics coordinator, you are involved in the development and production of LARV's graphic materials and graphic profile. If you enjoy or want to refine your skills in graphic design and expand your portfolio, this position is perfect for you!

Marketing Coordinator

The marketing coordinator assists in promoting LARV's organization and brand. Moreover, you get the opportunity to try out new marketing ideas and campaigns, leveraging your creative side. This is ideal for those who enjoy working in PR and are creative.

Recruitment Coordinator

A recruitment coordinator assists with recruiting for LARV, primarily recruiting other coordinators and hosts to help with the project. If you enjoy talking to people, this role is perfect for you.

Collaboration Coordinator

The collaboration coordinator works to ensure that students in Kiruna and Skellefteå have the opportunity to attend the LARV fair in January. If you have friends there and want to refine your negotiation skills, you should apply for this position.

Service Coordinator

Service coordinators oversee three areas: Individual Meetings (IM), transportation, and receptions. IM plans and sets up personal meetings between students and companies, transportation handles drivers and how companies are transported, and reception manages the reception during the fair and its content. If you enjoy juggling many tasks at once and have excellent customer service skills, you should apply for the service coordinator position!