Mission details

Score levels

The competition winner is selected through a lottery system where each point you have at the end of the competition corresponds to one ticket. Each ticket gives you a chance to win. Therefore, your chances of winning increase with the number of points you have. The maximum number of points you can collect during the LARV Competition is 120, corresponding to a maximum of 120 tickets.

The prizes are divided into point levels as shown below. You receive 1 point by submitting a competition envelope that contains essential contact details so we can reach you. If you want to compete for prizes at higher levels, you need to complete enough tasks to collect points corresponding to the respective point level. You are always eligible to compete for prizes at levels below the highest point level you have reached. In other words: For example, if you have 45 points, you have a chance to win prizes from levels 1, 2, and 3.

Level 1: 10 - 44 points

Level 2: 45 - 59 points

Level 3: 60 - 79 points

Level 4: 80 - 94 points

Level 5: 95+ points